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Preparing for an Annulment

Going through any separation, whether it be a divorce, breakup, or an annulment, can take a toll on each party involved. Coming to the conclusion that your marriage isn’t going to work can be really difficult in every way. Catholic Annulment - Another Chance is here to provide you with some useful tips on how to prepare for your Catholic annulment in this week’s blog post.

Catholic Annulment - Another Chance is a professional organization made up of active and former church judges with decades of experience in Catholic annulment. We understand that even with the best intentions, marriage sometimes isn’t going to be successful for certain people, and we’re here to help you through the annulment process. Read this week’s blog post to learn more about ways you can prepare for an annulment and contact us today!

Have All the Necessary Documentation

In order to go through with your Catholic annulment, you’ll need to be sure that you have the proper documentation. Depending on your state of residence, these documents may vary slightly.

The person requesting the annulment will first have to fill out a declaration of nullity, so that the request is official and in writing. With this declaration, you’ll also need to include a written testimony about the marriage, as well as a list of people who are willing to answer questions about your marriage.

Your ex-spouse should co-sign the official church declaration or they’ll be contacted by the tribunal and presented with the opportunity to be involved.

Some other necessary documents include:

  • Copies of baptismal certificates for all Catholic parties involved
  • A copy of the civil marriage license
  • A copy of the church marriage certificate
  • A copy of the divorce decree that is either certified or signed by the judge
  • Make Sure You Can Afford It

Before you decide to go through with an annulment, be sure you can afford it, as you’ll be responsible for paying for it. The cost of an annulment can vary from church to church, but it’s generally around $500 or more, with an upfront payment required to start the process, and the rest due in monthly installments. It can cost more if your ex-partner decides to refute it, so it’s helpful to ensure you both agree on moving forward with the annulment before you decide to begin the process.

Ensure You Have Proper Grounds for Annulment

When it comes to Catholic annulment, there are five qualifying factors that make a marriage valid. In order to be granted an annulment by the church, it must be established that your union lacked at least one of the five essential elements before your vows were exchanged.

The qualifications are as follows:

  • Both parties were free to marry
  • The parties exchanged vows with consent
  • Both parties intended to be faithful for life and agreed to be open to children
  • They intended “good of each other”
  • The parties were in the presence of a witness that was an authorized member of the church when they married

If your marriage was missing one of these five key factors before you exchanged your vows, reach out to Catholic Annulment - Another Chance to learn more about how we can help you today!

Find a Team of Professionals to Help

The Catholic annulment process can be a complicated one. Not only are there legal factors involved, but also mental and emotional factors as well. Consulting with a team of professionals can help make the annulment process move much quicker and more smoothly.

They can help you ensure you have all of the knowledge, documents, and evidence you need to successfully annul your marriage.

Trust Catholic Annulment - Another Chance

At Catholic Annulment - Another Chance, we understand that going through a Catholic annulment can be very difficult, which is why we’re here to help. We can explain the annulment process, help you assemble the evidence and documents you need to go through with the annulment, provide accurate information when you file your annulment documents, and more!

Our team has the knowledge and experience necessary to get your annulment completed correctly the first time around!

To learn more about our services or schedule a time to speak with our team of professionals, reach out to Catholic Annulment - Another Chance today!