
Catholic Annulment Blog

Couple having a disagreement

When you stand at the altar and exchange vows, your heart is filled with hope. You never expect your marriage to go off course or end. For Catholics, marriage is a sacrament, a lifelong commitment before God. But life can take unexpected turns, and sometimes, despite best efforts, a marriage may not work out.

At Catholic Annulment – Another Chance, we he;lp individuals through the complex...


The Catholic annulment process is both a legal and spiritual journey. Unlike a divorce, an annulment is a declaration that a marriage was never valid in the eyes of the Church. Catholic Annulment - Another Chance is dedicated to making this process both efficient and healing, with trained canon lawyers guiding individuals through each step. Below are the key steps involved in a Catholic...

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Going through a Catholic annulment process can be both challenging and emotionally taxing. One crucial aspect of this process is providing detailed and honest responses to the questionnaire. Understanding how to approach and respond to these inquiries can significantly impact the outcome of your case. Let's explore some key points on effectively answering the questionnaire with...


In the realm of Catholic annulment, the significance of forgiveness and compassion cannot be understated. At Another Chance Catholic Annulment, we recognize the pivotal role these elements play in supporting individuals through the annulment process and fostering emotional healing. Let's delve deeper into how forgiveness and compassion can positively impact the...


When a loved one is undergoing this process, offering support in the right way is crucial. Understanding the dos and don’ts can make a significant difference in how you assist them during this emotional journey. At Another Chance Catholic Annulment, we are a trusted resource for individuals navigating the delicate path of...

Catholic annulment process

Going through a marriage annulment is a deeply personal and emotional journey. At Catholic Annulment – Another Chance, we understand the complexities involved in the annulment process. In this blog, we will explore the emotional impact of seeking a Catholic annulment, and provide tips on practicing self-care during the process.

hands of faith

Marriage represents a sacred covenant in the Catholic faith, embodying a bond grounded in love, commitment, and mutual respect. However, when the complexities of life strain this bond, and divorce ensues, individuals may find themselves seeking solace and resolution through the process of a Catholic annulment.

At Catholic Annulment - Another Chance, we offer individuals the opportunity to...


When it comes to Catholic Annulments, there are numerous misconceptions that surround this often misunderstood process. However, it is important to separate fact from myth in order to fully understand the purpose and process of a Catholic Annulment. As a team of former church judges at Catholic Annulment Another Chance, we have encountered many of these misconceptions and are here to debunk...


At Catholic Annulment - Another Chance, we fully comprehend the emotional and mental burden that individuals face when navigating the annulment process within the Catholic Church. We understand that it can be a deeply personal and challenging journey, filled with uncertainties and complexities. That's why our dedicated team is here to provide unwavering support and guidance throughout the entire...

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In Catholicism, marriage is considered a sacred bond, between the couple and God. At Catholic Annulment - Another Chance, we acknowledge the instance when a marriage is deemed null and void. We are pursuing the process and investigation to locate where the six essential elements may have been ignored. Once the bond has been...

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When it comes to marriage and Catholic annulments, there are many different types of cases that can arise which make the marriage invalid. Keeping up with each of these can be complicated, which is why our team at Catholic Annulment - Another Chance is here to help. We know that going through any type of separation, whether it be a divorce or an annulment, is very emotional and stressful, but we are here to support you every step of the way....

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In a Catholic marriage, certain parties are bound to the form of marriage in order for the union to be valid. However, understanding who is and isn’t bound to the form of marriage can sometimes be challenging, especially for those outside the Catholic faith. In this week’s Catholic Annulment - Another Chance blog post, we discuss who is bound to the form of marriage.

Catholic Annulment - Another Chance blog is here to help you through...

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The Catholic annulment process can be difficult to understand, as there are many grounds on which a marriage can be declared null, and lots of documents and paperwork needed to prove it. If you’re unfamiliar with the Catholic annulment process, but are looking into having your marriage annulled, it’s important to understand the intricacies and grounds for the annulment process, so you can ensure you’ve got sufficient information when your...


The world of annulments can be complicated, especially if you have no experience in dealing with them. If you’re in the midst of applying for an annulment, you may not quite understand the nuances and purposes of each type, which are helpful so you can ensure you’ve got everything you need to make the process move faster. In this week’s Catholic Annulment - Another Chance blog post, we discuss civil annulments and Catholic annulments, and the...

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Going through any type of separation, whether it be a divorce, separation, or an annulment, can really take a toll on your mental and physical health. While the recovery can be tough, staying positive can help you start fresh and feel happier and better than ever! This week’s Catholic Annulment - Another Chance blog is here to provide you with some important tips about how to keep your head up after your Catholic annulment.


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When it comes to Catholic annulments, understanding the specifics can be a bit complicated. Not only is your marriage coming to an end, but you’re also in the midst of navigating all of the different rules, regulations, and processes that come with a Catholic annulment. This week’s Catholic Annulment - Another Chance blog is here to help answer some of the most commonly asked questions we see.

Catholic Annulment - Another Chance...

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Discovering that your spouse has been unfaithful can be absolutely devastating. You vowed to love each other and be faithful to each other until death, but now the person you thought you knew so well has completely betrayed you. So, what can you do?

You may be wondering whether you can get a Catholic annulment instead of a divorce when you learn your spouse has cheated. This...

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Going through any separation, whether it be a divorce, breakup, or an annulment, can take a toll on each party involved. Coming to the conclusion that your marriage isn’t going to work can be really difficult in every way. Catholic Annulment - Another Chance is here to provide you with some useful tips on how to prepare for your Catholic annulment in this week’s blog post.

Catholic Annulment - Another Chance is a professional...

Catholic Annulment - Another Chance History of the Catholic Church's Annulment Process, Part 2

Human relationships are confusing to say the least. Emotions are involved, which can cloud people's judgement and make people do things they normally wouldn't and say things they don't mean. When relationships aren't working as God has intended them to, it's okay to ask for help, to seek counseling, or to reach out to your local priest. But even those steps sometimes cannot fix something that is broken beyond...

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Since the beginning of time there have been marriages. And since we are all humans, flawed since the Fall, there have been disagreements that have led to the dissolution of marriages, or "irreconcilable differences" they are called. With the advent of Christianity, Jesus taught more about marriage and it's sacredness, which has led to many of the traditions we see today. However, as time has progressed, people have wanted to separate from...

5 Common Myths of a Catholic Annulment Catholic Annulmente Another Chance

Getting a divorce is one of the most difficult things that you could go through in life. Emotions are high, feelings may be hurt, and divorce can be all consuming. After all, the union of a man and a woman is breaking apart — something that you thought would last forever. When anything breaks, the result is often tragic.


5 Things Every Catholic Should Know About Annulment  Catholic Annulment - Another Chance

When you got married, it was all sunshine and roses. You were probably floating on cloud nine, and everything seemed like a dream. You were so happy that you had found the love of your life and that you were going to spend the rest of your life together. From the honeymoon through the first few years of marriage, you couldn't have asked for more. However, at some point, your marriage turned sour, and now you are looking to part ways. You are...


One of the common reasons someone will go through the annulment process is because they have found someone and wish to remarry. But just as often we hear couples questioning whether they really need an annulment in order to remarry. According to Catholic marriage rules, yes, you need an annulment before you can get remarried. Here’s what you need to know:



There is a pervasive myth surrounding the Catholic annulment process that it can take years to go through all of the steps and finally receive a decision. This perception can be incredibly daunting! It’s enough to scare many away from going through the annulment process, or to put off doing so for years. In reality, there’s no need to worry so much about a long, drawn-out experience. Here’s how the Catholic annulment process works, and how...


The Catholic Church teaches that marriage is for life. In fact, we believe that marriage is a covenantal union between a couple and God that cannot be ended by anyone — not even by God because we know that He does not go back on his covenantal agreements. So, when a relationship is so strained that you start looking into divorce and annulment, that...


You may have heard that an annulment is just a “Catholic divorce.” Well, that’s really not accurate! If you married in the Church, you likely got an explanation during your pre-Cana education about how marriage is a covenantal union — meaning that it is a union that cannot be broken by anyone. According to Catholic marriage rules, annulment and civil divorce are two...


If you’ve been following our blog, you know that the annulment isn’t just the “Catholic divorce” process. So, with that clarification in mind, the next question on many minds is, “Do I need an annulment and a divorce?” Generally speaking, the answer is going to be yes. If you are seeking or have already received a divorce through civil courts, that...


Going through a civil divorce can be an overwhelming, emotional process. Why, then, would someone want to go through it all over again for a Catholic annulment? The good news is that, while an annulment can be an emotional process, it is also an incredibly healing one in a way that civil divorce proceedings are not. Here’s how the annulment process works, how Catholic marriage rules affect the process, and what you need to know about getting...


One of the concerns we hear time and again is that people fear the annulment process will take years before a decision is reached. Don’t let that hearsay hold you back from going through the annulment process — for many reasons, not the least of which is that it’s simply not true! The Catholic annulment process doesn’t have a set timeline, but it’s really not as long as most people think. Here’s what you need to know:



According to civil law, you are free to remarry as soon as a divorce decree is finalized. However, according to Catholic marriage rules, you are not yet free to remarry even after a divorce is granted. The reason for this stems directly from how the Church views marriage. Here’s what you need to know:

Understanding Catholic Marriage Rules

When a couple marries, the Catholic Church believes that they have entered...


The Catholic annulment process has the reputation of being considered “Catholic divorce.” While that comparison isn’t accurate, the idea of annulment as Catholic divorce stems from the fact that many couples choose to go through an annulment investigation while also going through the civil divorce process. But annulments are not meant to take the place of a civil...


Sometimes, marriages fail, even when they start off with a solid footing and the best intentions. It's difficult when this happens, and it can feel even more overwhelming for Catholics, who believe that marriage is an indissoluble bond. When a marital relationship cannot be saved, civil law offers the option of divorce. If you know the Church's teachings, however, you know that divorce only pertains to civil (secular) law. Even with a...


A Catholic annulment is the process of investigating whether a marriage is valid in the eyes of the Church — it is not just “Catholic divorce.” During an annulment, the process investigates whether or not all of the elements needed for a sacramental marriage were present when the vows were said. Because it's a deeper look into a specific relationship, there...


Catholic annulment is distinctly different from a civil divorce, and the key reason for this stems from Catholic marriage rules and beliefs. According to the Church’s teachings, marriage is an unbreakable union; we even say as much in the wedding vows. During a Catholic wedding ceremony, both bride and groom make their vows to last "all the days of my life" or "until death do us part." A Catholic marriage is a covenant entered into...


Sometimes, relationships don’t turn out the way they should. It’s an unfortunate fact of life, but sometimes, no matter how hard we try, a relationship cannot be mended. There is an ongoing myth that the Catholic marriage rules demand that married couples stay together, even to the point of the couple’s detriment — but this isn’t the case! There is also a widespread misunderstanding that...


A Catholic annulment is often referred to as “Catholic divorce,” but that term is just plain wrong! There are some strong differences between the annulment process and civil divorce. Among those differences are some big discrepancies about who can initiate an annulment, when, and how. If you are considering going through the annulment process, here is what you need to know...


The annulment process can seem daunting, particularly when you don’t know what to expect. This is why Catholic Annulment - Another Chance is here to help. Going through an annulment can be a very emotional time, in part because you may not know how to prepare or what may come. The process is unlike civil divorce proceedings because an annulment does not end a marriage, it actually looks at the moment the vows were said to see if all of the...


Here at Catholic Annulment - Another Chance, we focus on helping individuals who are interested in the annulment process after the end of a marriage — it’s not often that we get to talk about the other side of the coin! But understanding Catholic marriage rules is an integral part of understanding how the annulment process works. A lot of the elements of marriage come into...


As we started delving into last time, the annulment process is often misunderstood. It’s not “Catholic divorce,” and it’s not the years-long process that rumor says it is! The annulment process is an investigation into a marriage to determine whether the relationship is a valid, sacramental marriage or not. In our previous post,...


There are a lot of different ideas out there surrounding the Catholic annulment — many of them far-fetched or totally wrong. For starters, an annulment is not just “Catholic divorce,” it is a separate process with separate aims. If you are interested in learning more about the annulment process, whether for yourself or for a loved one, start here for a primer on what a Catholic annulment is. For anyone looking for additional guidance, the...


A civil divorce is concerned with the division of assets and liabilities; and if there are minor children, the fulfillment of parental obligations. It is devoid of emotional healing.

However, the annulment process is centered on the emotional aspects of your marriage. It helps you realize why the previous marriage ended. So you become aware of how you need to change, or the type of partner you need to avoid.

Hopefully, it enables...


There is a pervasive myth about the Catholic annulment process, which is that an annulment can take several months, or even years from starting the process until a decision is made. While the time limit is often exaggerated, it’s true that the Catholic annulment process can feel prohibitively lengthy to some. Fortunately, Pope Francis has made some changes to the...


Choosing to separate from your spouse is a difficult decision, and one not made lightly. After all, there is more impact beyond yourself and your spouse. Both Catholic annulment and civil divorce have ripple effects that impact family and friends, whether they are connected to both of you or just one spouse or the other. While your parents, siblings, or friends may...


A civil divorce is concerned with the division of assets and liabilities; and if there are minor children, the fulfillment of parental obligations. It is devoid of emotional healing.

However the annulment process is centered on the emotional aspects of your marriage. It helps you realize why the previous marriage ended. So you become aware of how you need to change, or the type of partner you need to avoid.

Hopefully, it enables...


The end of any relationship is a trying time, no matter how amicable the split is. Just like a break-up or divorce, no one gets off scot-free emotionally during the annulment process. Understanding this can help you better prepare yourself for the emotional impact of going through the annulment process, and to find ways to help yourself cope.

The Emotional...


The end of any relationship is a trying time, no matter how amicable the split is. Just like a break-up or divorce, no one gets off scot-free emotionally during the annulment process. Understanding this can help you better prepare yourself for the emotional impact of going through the annulment process, and to find ways to help yourself cope.

The Emotional...


After going through the hassle and heartbreak of a divorce, it’s understandable that you want to take some time and heal before starting down the path of a Catholic annulment. Many people will choose to wait years, even decades, after their divorce to go through the annulment process. If this...


Be kind and gentle on yourself. Going through a divorce is very painful on many levels. One of the harshest pains is the fear of other peoples’ judgments. The same can be said about going through a church annulment. What will people think? However don’t be harsh on yourself because of what other people may think. You lived the realities of your marriage and you alone know the truth behind what led to the divorce. Please don’t judge yourself...


QUESTION FROM A BLOGGER: My fiance and I want to get married in the Catholic Church. I have never been married before. However he is a divorced Methodist. He was previously married to a woman whom was a Lutheran. They were married by the Justice of Peace. In order for us to be married in the Catholic church does he have to have his first marriage annulled?


Yes. Let...
